🌍 How to Ask About Someone’s Origin in Dutch!🌍
Meeting new people? One of the first things you might want to ask is where they’re from! Here’s how to do it in Dutch:
💬 “Waar kom je vandaan?” – Where are you from?
✅ Response:
👉 “Ik kom uit [land].” – I am from [country].
(E.g., “Ik kom uit Nederland.” – I am from the Netherlands.)
For a more formal version, you can say:
💼 “Waar komt u vandaan?” – Where are you from? (Polite/formal)
🌎 Want to keep the conversation going? Ask:
🔹 “Uit welke stad kom je?” – Which city are you from?
🔹 “Hoe lang woon je hier?” – How long have you lived here?
✨ Tip: Dutch people love talking about travel and culture! Ask where they’ve been or share where you’re from. 🌏✈️